The Rules
- You must be honest
- You must answer all of the questions
- You must tag at least 4 people (this one I can't really do but for everyone else go ahead!)
* I tried to answer all of these to the best of my ability, but being at school makes some of these a bit hard!
1 - What book has been on your shelf the longest?
There's so many. And I'm not at home to look at all my books at the moment to actually see the books and figure out which has been there longest. I'll edit when I get home next.
There's so many. And I'm not at home to look at all my books at the moment to actually see the books and figure out which has been there longest. I'll edit when I get home next.
2 - What is your current read, your last read, and the book you'll read next?
Current - Lord of Shadows, Last - Tales From the Shadowhunter Academy, Next - Reign of the
Fallen/Shadow of the Fox.
Current - Lord of Shadows, Last - Tales From the Shadowhunter Academy, Next - Reign of the
Fallen/Shadow of the Fox.
3 - What book did everyone like, but you hated?
I used to really like them, but now I find John Green books sort of overrated. I want more magic and realistic characters in my stories. It shows sometimes in the books that he doesn't fully understand the characters he's trying to make. At least that's how I see them. Also his books weren't really in my normal genres so maybe that has something to do with it.
I used to really like them, but now I find John Green books sort of overrated. I want more magic and realistic characters in my stories. It shows sometimes in the books that he doesn't fully understand the characters he's trying to make. At least that's how I see them. Also his books weren't really in my normal genres so maybe that has something to do with it.
4 - What book do you keep telling yourself you'll read, but you probably won't?
Half the books on my TBR list honestly. Like the Dark Tower series. I only have the second and third. Might just read a quick synopsis and then watch the movie. I have so many books that I need to read so those will always be at the end until I can find the first one to start it. I also have a few diet books that I probably won't get to, at least not any time soon.

5 - What book are you saving for your retirement?
Any of the books that I haven't read by then/any books that come out by the time I'm retired. I really don't have any books that I'm saving for that time, and only being 21 years old makes that seem like hundreds of years away for me. I might never retire.
Any of the books that I haven't read by then/any books that come out by the time I'm retired. I really don't have any books that I'm saving for that time, and only being 21 years old makes that seem like hundreds of years away for me. I might never retire.
6 - Last page -> read it first or wait 'til the end?
I will wait. The only time I will read the last page before reading a book is if I wrote it, or someone is forcing me to/paying me to. That's it. I just want to read, I won't spoil a book for myself. People who read the last page first give me anxiety because YOU'RE RUINING THE BOOK FOR YOURSELF! But to each their own I guess!
I will wait. The only time I will read the last page before reading a book is if I wrote it, or someone is forcing me to/paying me to. That's it. I just want to read, I won't spoil a book for myself. People who read the last page first give me anxiety because YOU'RE RUINING THE BOOK FOR YOURSELF! But to each their own I guess!
7 - Acknowledgement: Waste of paper and ink, or interesting aside?
Honestly I love it. I think it's great to read the other people who were there to help create the wonderful book I've just read (normally don't read it if I didn't like the book that much). It's also something personal from the author so I like that aspect as well.
Honestly I love it. I think it's great to read the other people who were there to help create the wonderful book I've just read (normally don't read it if I didn't like the book that much). It's also something personal from the author so I like that aspect as well.
8 - Which book character would you switch places with?
Honestly, with the types of books that I read, I don't know if I'd want to switch places with them. They are always having attempts at their lives or they are charging straight into a battle...which I just could not do. I guess I could say that I'd want to trade places with someone from the Iron Fey series, at least then I could get some cool powers!
Honestly, with the types of books that I read, I don't know if I'd want to switch places with them. They are always having attempts at their lives or they are charging straight into a battle...which I just could not do. I guess I could say that I'd want to trade places with someone from the Iron Fey series, at least then I could get some cool powers!
9 - Do you have a book that reminds you of something specific in your life? (place, time, person?)
Thinking about the Hunger Games trilogy makes me think of three separate people. My aunt Rachel - who told me to give the books a chance. My friend Ashley S. - who sat beside me in lunch and watched me read/gave me vague spoiler-ish things that would cause me to read faster. And my friend Ashley B. - who let me come over her house to watch the first movie.
Then Ashley B., Ashley S., and I went together to see the Catching Fire premiere in theaters. It was a stressful night because we didn't buy the tickets until that night and they were almost sold out, but then the theater opened up another screening for the premiere so we were all good.

Then Ashley B., Ashley S., and I went together to see the Catching Fire premiere in theaters. It was a stressful night because we didn't buy the tickets until that night and they were almost sold out, but then the theater opened up another screening for the premiere so we were all good.
10 - Name a book that you acquired in an interesting way.
So I've had two different posts about my local library having $10 book sales. You just bring a bag (or take a paper one from them) and fill it with books. Then you pay $10...which is such a deal if you find really good books. Which is what I did a few times.
One time at a one of these book sales I found a 50th edition of the Hobbit. it was gold with green runes on the edges and had a box that it can slide into. I was SHOOK when I saw it there. And it wasn't a library book they had in circulation because it didn't have a tag on it. So I shoved the right into my bag and it still sits on my shelf in my Tolkien section.
So I've had two different posts about my local library having $10 book sales. You just bring a bag (or take a paper one from them) and fill it with books. Then you pay $10...which is such a deal if you find really good books. Which is what I did a few times.
One time at a one of these book sales I found a 50th edition of the Hobbit. it was gold with green runes on the edges and had a box that it can slide into. I was SHOOK when I saw it there. And it wasn't a library book they had in circulation because it didn't have a tag on it. So I shoved the right into my bag and it still sits on my shelf in my Tolkien section.
11 - Have you ever given a book away for a special reason to a special person? I don't know many people who want books. Most of the people that I know personally that like books, buy their own books, and I don't know most of the books that they would like that I could give them. That's the problem sometimes with friends who like books, they get them themselves. And the ones that don't like books...well you see the issue there. I don't know many people who want books. Most of the people that I know personally that like books, buy their own books, and I don't know most of the books that they would like that I could give them. That's the problem sometimes with friends who like books, they get them themselves. And the ones that don't like books...well you see the issue there.
12 - Which book has been with you most places?
Most of my books have been with me to a lot of places if I'm currently reading them. I keep them in my bag, even if I don't have the time to read. It's a comfort to me to have a book with me at all times. It all depends on the time of year I am reading in too because I don't go to as many places in the summer as I do in the winter (which I feel is opposite compared to most other people).
Most of my books have been with me to a lot of places if I'm currently reading them. I keep them in my bag, even if I don't have the time to read. It's a comfort to me to have a book with me at all times. It all depends on the time of year I am reading in too because I don't go to as many places in the summer as I do in the winter (which I feel is opposite compared to most other people).
13 - Any "Required Reading" you hate in high school that wasn't so bad two years later?
Not any that I've found again two years after but I thought reading the Hobbit in high school was going to be a drag but I ended up loving it and now I'm a Tolkien girl! I also really liked the short stories from Washington Irving that I read in high school. Rip Van Winkle and Sleepy Hollow were something that I found intriguing and I remembered the plots easily for class discussions.
Not any that I've found again two years after but I thought reading the Hobbit in high school was going to be a drag but I ended up loving it and now I'm a Tolkien girl! I also really liked the short stories from Washington Irving that I read in high school. Rip Van Winkle and Sleepy Hollow were something that I found intriguing and I remembered the plots easily for class discussions.

Both, I'm not picky on the types of books I get as long as it stays together while I read it. I have had books that fall apart in my hands. And while that might show that it's been loved, I also feel that it's a sign that the book wasn't taken care of during the many times it was read.
15 - Have you ever read a Dan Brown book?
Nope. Don't think I will, but I might watch the movies off of his books. I mean like the plot is interesting...but I would rather have more fantasy and magic tied into the books that I read.
Nope. Don't think I will, but I might watch the movies off of his books. I mean like the plot is interesting...but I would rather have more fantasy and magic tied into the books that I read.
16 - Have you ever seen a movie that you liked more than the book?
Game of Thrones, just because those are too long to read and I really like the show. I know there's a lot of stuff wrong/controversial but I love Arya and dragons sooooooooooo. I hope that this counts. I can't think of any movies I like more than the book.
17 - Have you ever read a book that's made you hungry, cookbooks included?
No, I mean sometimes the food sounds good, but it doesn't make me hungry. I also don't use cookbooks that often because I'm in college so all I make is pasta and instant mashed potatoes. However, now that I'm typing this I'm getting hungry so I'm going to go eat after this.
No, I mean sometimes the food sounds good, but it doesn't make me hungry. I also don't use cookbooks that often because I'm in college so all I make is pasta and instant mashed potatoes. However, now that I'm typing this I'm getting hungry so I'm going to go eat after this.
18 - Who is the person whose book advice you'll always take?
Honestly, anyone on Book Twitter that I know has actual facts behind their reviews/feelings towards books and authors. Also, my friends Seth and Emily because they know the good stuff.
Honestly, anyone on Book Twitter that I know has actual facts behind their reviews/feelings towards books and authors. Also, my friends Seth and Emily because they know the good stuff.
19 - Is there a book out of your comfort zone (outside of your usual reading genre) that you ended up loving?
My comfort zone really includes everything except romance and non-fiction. And I really don't read anything outside my comfort zone except for my school-work...and I can't say that there is a lot of those that I liked so much to say that I loved it. I can say that a book I just read for my French World class "Une si longue lettre" was really good. I would suggest anyone who wants to learn more about a different culture/religion to pick this up. There are English translations (and probably other languages) available online.
Agree with me? Probably not.
Photo/Gif creds: Han Solo, Hunger Games books, Arya, Matilda, books,
My comfort zone really includes everything except romance and non-fiction. And I really don't read anything outside my comfort zone except for my school-work...and I can't say that there is a lot of those that I liked so much to say that I loved it. I can say that a book I just read for my French World class "Une si longue lettre" was really good. I would suggest anyone who wants to learn more about a different culture/religion to pick this up. There are English translations (and probably other languages) available online.
Agree with me? Probably not.
Photo/Gif creds: Han Solo, Hunger Games books, Arya, Matilda, books,