The stories within the collection lead you through the two years of Simon's time in the Shadowhunter Academy (hence the full title). I loved seeing a different side of the world I have grown to love so much and to meet new people that I hope will be seen in future books (looking at you Clare).
However, just like any other Cassandra Clare Shadowhunter book, there was heartbreak, death, and so many emotions. EVEN A BABY! I will try to be as vague and spoiler-free as I can but know I'm not promising anything to you.

I liked the difference at the beginning of the elites and the dregs, and by how the end of it, thanks to Simon, there was almost no difference between them all except the Ascension (which I will get to later because I have some WORDS on that).
I felt it was just right for Simon's character, who has been through so much, to stand up for the mundanes in the Academy and for Downworlders, because he's been both at one point in his life. Why would someone who has been a mundane, then a vampire, then a mundane again NOT stand up for basically everyone? Doesn't make sense, especially with my boy, so I'm glad that's not how it went.
I also like how by the end of the book, I had a new ship that I saw building from the middle of the stories and to the end. Though it wasn't like...stated in the basically was and I'm ready for their journey. MarisolxJon
And while this was covered with Simon, I liked how there was a story within that also focused on Magnus and Alec. They are such a dynamic pair of characters, and it also featured the whole Lightwood family getting along so that's a fun little twist.
I also liked how it showed Simon feeling sad about people he didn't really know, because of the Blackthorns. It was difficult because I have read Lady Midnight already so I knew the stuff he was trying to figure out during the Parabatai ceremony of Julian and Emma, but for me it made it that much more interesting to start Lord of Shadows too, which is sitting on my desk back in my dorm room.
Catarina was a wonderful, refreshing character to have. She wasn't as tied to the Shadowhunter world, so she didn't really care about watching her mouth and I agreed with like, all the things she said. She was blue, and just done with everyone. It was also great that she kept referring to Simon as Daylighter, because it was a part of him, and that part of him helped him, and will in the future help him, become an even better Shadowhunter.
NOW WE MOVE TO ASCENSION! I was nervous that whole time. What was going to happen? Who was going to get hurt? It was all going so smoothly, so something HAD to go wrong...right? YES! It's Cassandra 'I murder all you love' Clare! It was RUDE to do what she did, but at the same time, I understand it, because it helped Simon pick out his Shadowhunter name and all that, but still. My man George deserved better!
I know Lord of Shadows doesn't follow Simon or any of the others from the Academy, but I'm still excited to read it. I'm just lucky I have friends who will let me borrow their books for extended periods of time because I suck at reading sometimes.
On to the next Nephilim adventure!
Have you read Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy? What did you think? Who is your absolute favorite character/couple within the whole world? Mine is Charlotte Fairchild/Branwell and her marriage with Henry Branwell.
À bientôt!
Photo/Gif creds: main cover, story covers, star gif, shadowhunters,
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