It's a bookish survey from A-Z, I'm excited to do this too! Get me thinking about all my books again (when am I not thinking of them all though right?)
Author you've read the most books from:
Cassandra Clare, I have read 33 of her books (this is because I do each novella as it's own book and not the collection as one). The next most-read author is Julie Kagawa, and I hope to read all of hers in the coming years because I love her and her books.

Best sequel ever:
I honestly can't think of a sequel...I've read tons of them but I can't think of one that stuck out SO greatly that I would say it's the best ever. Mainly if I like a sequel, I like the whole series. I guess the only one that I can say I really liked is Catching Fire from the Hunger Games Trilogy.
Currently reading:
As of publishing this post I am reading: Lord of Shadows by Cassandra Clare.
Drink of choice while reading:
I love drinking either tea, hot cocoa, or apple cider. I like warm drinks while I read, but I occasionally will have one or two of them iced. Just depends how warm/cold my reading area is and how I'm feeling.
E-reader or physical book:
I like them both. I really don't have anything against reading an e-book. I have a kindle and it's just I have so many physical books that I want to read first before my e-books that I have on there.
Fictional character you probably would have dated in high school:
Oh so many.
Glad you gave this book a chance:
The Host. My aunt, who I trust with book opinions, said she had a hard time getting through the first few chapters and stopped reading it. But I really liked the Twilight Saga so I gave Meyer's other book a chance, and I was really glad that I did. That book almost made me cry.
Hidden gem book:
I really only read a lot of mainstream books, I don't know if anything I have read is a 'hidden gem' book. I guess I can say the Call of the Forgotten Series by Julie Kagawa is something of a hidden gem to me. It's a spin-off from the Iron Fey series (also by Kagawa) and I feel that not many people have read it. But I love it.
Important moment in your reading life:
When I read a book faster than another kid in my class. It was a bet I had in fifth grade with a kid in my class. One day we both realized we were reading the same book and he bet me I couldn't read it faster than him. I finished it that day when I went home and started a new book the next day. He was SHOOKETH. Also the day I finish the book companion to Aquamarine in one day during fifth grade again. I was a fast reader back then.
Of course I didn't really read again until the seventh grade when I read Witch & Wizard for a school project and then my full love and passion of reading started to bloom.
Just finished:
By the time of this post being published I have just finished: Tales From the Shadowhunter Academy. You can find my review of it here.
Kinds of books you won't read:
Just because I like having action and adventure and magic in my books, I don't tend to read non-fiction or romance novels. I want something that will take me as far from reality as possible. Not to say I haven't read non-fiction and romance novels, or just novels/stories that don't surround magic and mayhem, but they aren't my first pick. The summary really has to grab me for that.
Longest book you've read:
I went back through my Goodreads profile since 2013 to find the longest book that I have read. Goodreads should have a button with the stats to show the shortest and longest books just right there. It'd be so cool.
The longest book is Wizard's First Rule by Terry Goodkind (over 800 pages). I had to read the book for my Fantasy Literature class my senior year of high school. I really liked the class and while the book was tedious during the class, I've grown to have an appreciation for it in my years.
Major book hangover because of:
That would be Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy at the moment. I had to take two days to process what I had read by the end of it. I normally don't get book hangovers because I just dive into the next one on my shelf, but every once in a while one book will stop me in my tracks.
Number of bookcases you own:
I have one actual bookcase in my room. Then a have a smaller one that only fits my movies. The other books in my room are in a set of drawers if they don't fit on the small ledge that lines on of my bedroom walls. It's an interesting set up. Check out my bookstagram to see what I'm talking about!
One book you have read multiple times:
Witch & Wizard by James Patterson. I've read it about two and a half times.
Preferred place to read:
My room. I can curl up in my bed with the covers on and read until I can't feel my lower back. When I'm not at school I can have a cat cuddling with me too so that's always fun!
Quote that inspires you/gives you all the feels from a book you've read:
“Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.” - Neil Gaiman (from Coraline)
I actually haven't read Coraline, I've seen it, but I really like this quote.
Reading regret:
I don't have any regrets when I comes to books and what I've read over the years. I don't think people should regret what they read, or when they read it.
Series you started and need to finish (all the books in series are out):
The Galahad series. I've read the first two in a volume edition. It was a really interesting concept I just haven't been able to find the other two volume editions at any book stores and I want to get the volume editions so my books all match.
Three of your all-time favorite books:

1. The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien
2. The Iron Fey by Julie Kagawa
3. Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
Unapologetic fangirl for:
The Twilight Saga. Shame me all you want. I'm vampire trash and I'm proud of it!
Very excited for this release more than all the others:
The next Iron Fey-esque book by Julie Kagawa that has been heard to be in the works. I'm shaking with excitement!
Worst bookish habit:
Just shoving my books into bags and purses. I need to invest in a book sleeve for when I go places. I'm tired of looking into my bag and seeing my headphones all tangled with the pages because I'm an animal.
X marks the spot: start at the top left of your shelf and pick the 27th book:
The 27th book on my shelf is:
The Iron Queen by Julie Kagawa. I just love her so the fact that I get to talk about her books some more in a blog post is just fun.
I was at school and literally texted my mom to count my books for me too, and when I said to send a selfie of her with the book she just sent one with the book against her shirt...she's no fun! But thankful I have a mother that will do a weird favor like that for me!
Your latest book purchase:
Shadow of the Fox by Julie Kagawa. It was released on October 2nd and I preordered it to get to my school by the 2nd. It's more beautiful in person than I thought it would be.
ZZZ-snatcher book (last book that kept you up WAY late):
I haven't spent nights reading since I was younger. I really like my sleep nowadays. But one of the books that just kept me up so long was The Lost by James Patterson. It was the last book in the Witch & Wizard series and I teared up at the ending.
Well, back to reading I go!
Let me know if you do this too! I'd love to see what you come up with for each letter.
À bientôt!
Photo/Gif creds: alphabet, catching fire, stopwatch, wizard's first rule, heart, reading cat,
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