A book/series that made you smile or laugh
Oh, most of them honestly. I always find the happiness or the small amount of humor within a lot of books. I like finding those little moments while I read. And I think mainly the series that made me smile the most was the Iron Fey series.A book/series that made you sad or want to cry
While the whole series didn't make me want to cry, the last book of the Witch and Wizard series really hit me hard. I was not okay for like three days afterward, and still not okay because of it.A book/series that you love
The Hunger Games trilogy. I will sing its praises for all my life. I know that not everyone loves it, and that some people have so many things wrong with it, but I loved it. I read the books when I was in high school, and I fell in love with them. I also read them with friends and saw the movies during premieres with them, so it's a sentimental love I have for them as well.A book/series that you didn't particularly like
I mean...it's not that I don't like it. I've never read the Harry Potter series. I am currently watching the HP movies with friends, I just don't think I'll ever read the books.A book/series that was made into a movie that you liked
The Hunger Games movies were GREAT in my mind. I loved them, especially when the second director came into the scene. He really captured the storyline. I will always love that trilogy as well and always will. I need to read and watch them all again.Also the Divergent movies (only the first two). I loved them and it felt like I was reliving the series over again in a different way. And the way Insurgent ended, I felt like a nice closing and don't even need to watch Allegiant.
A book/series that was made into a movie that you didn't like
A book/series you have mixed feelings about
Lord of the Rings. I want to finish reading it, I really liked The Hobbit. But it's so long and some of the parts are so long (he needed someone to edit some of those parts down) that's it's going to take me so long to get through. I love the movies and the world of Middle Earth, I'm just trying to figure out if I'll ever finish it or not.
A book/series you haven't read but are totally excited about
Reign of the Fallen by Sarah Glenn Marsh. I am going to start reading Reign of the Fallen after I finish this post so I am very excited about that. I got my copy from PageHabit so it has annotations from Marsh throughout the book. I love reading those!Also anything by Julie Kagawa and The Last Magician by Lisa Maxwell, which I got as a Goodreads giveaway.
A book/series that made you angry
Moby Dick or anything Hemingway. I read those during a really bad time in my life so they hold really bad memories to them. It was when I was in an honor's English class that I shouldn't have been in. The books took a lot out of me, as well as the teacher herself because she wasn't even close to a nice person to those she didn't like. I'm only happy that I didn't get to spend the whole year in her class, I got out half-way through and then actually enjoyed myself in that subject again.A book/series you feel like you can relate to
At this moment, I have found very few series that I can fully relate to in a sense of who I am as a person. I love the Talon series for its usage with twins, as well as Ty and Livvy. I haven't read any books yet with a bisexual MC, but I know once I read those I'll connect that way with those books.I think that I need to look more into the world of books and find more stories with characters I could relate to on deeper, more emotional levels as well. If you have any suggestions based off of what you know of me, please let me know as well!
I liked doing this and reaching into my feelings of books. Though it's actually not that difficult, I'll always talk about books!
À bientôt!
Photo/Gif creds: my photo of ROTF, lady with book,