However, when I looked up the book again right before starting it, I saw a lot of people talking about how it was a self-help book. I have read a few of them in the past, but none of them really did anything for me. I tried doing the tips each book told me would help me, but nothing came of it. Maybe it was me, or maybe the book just wasn't meant to help someone like me, but I'm sure they've helped others.
Just like how I feel with this book. I read it all, almost decided to DNF it, and honestly couldn't fully grasp what the self-help aspects of the book were. I know it talked a lot about following and listening to your heart, but I feel like there's something larger that I'm missing, and it took away from my enjoyment because I felt that I wasn't paying attention enough or just not understanding the material. I think one of the main reasons I didn't DNF was the illustrations in my edition of the text. They matched what was happening and helped me to visualize better at the story happening.
And I'm not going to blame the translation either, because I know that sometimes meaning can get lost in it, but I feel that the translation I have really kept the feel of the book the same for me. Or maybe that's because I've read stuff both in French and English to know the differences so having translated materials isn't hard for me. Who knows.
My copy of the book had a letter in the back from Paulo Coelho on 'Questions That Have No Answers' and talks about him in the Pyrenees mountains between France and Spain, and how he met a colonel who had a list of questions that from children that have always remained unanswered. I thought the letter would help me understand anything from the book or the messages in it more...but I couldn't find the answers.
About the story though, I liked following the boy's (pretty sure his name is supposed to be Santiago but is called 'the boy' through like 97% of the book) journey through both him home in Spain and his travels through Africa. I know he was in the north of Africa and I can't help but think that the other strange language he didn't know (because he learns to speak Arabic while there) was French since there are French colonies in the North of France, but I'm sure it's just a different Arabic dialect or a local African dialect that their speaking.

I gave The Alchemist 3 stars. It was almost 2 and a half stars but I decided that it was well written, and while thinking about it, the story was good, but the messages inside of it just didn't speak to me the way it speaks to others, and it's not my fault that that happens to someone.
Yeah understanding it took away a little at my enjoyment, but that doesn't mean I didn't like it. 3 stars to me is more like...neutral ground for a book. I didn't love or like it, but I didn't hate it either. I could have a discussion about the book, but I won't be adding it to my personal bookshelf.
What did you think of this book if you've read it before? What was the self-help message you found in the pages of Santiago's journey? I'd love to hear other people's thoughts on the topic.
À bientôt!
Photo/Gif creds: cover from Goodreads, heart gif, question book,