The other day, Monday, October 31, 2016, at 11:17, I was blessed by having my nephew Kaden Taylor Villafane be born. But before I begin to talk about him, and how much I already love him, I want to start at the beginning...
It was February. Our cat, Badboy, had recently died and I was still having a hard time remembering him. I was getting home from class, planning on doing a bit of homework before meeting my friends at five for dinner at the dining hall on campus. That's when I got the messages from my mother.
"Are you home?"
"Yes, just got there."
"Get on Skype." I thought it was weird. She didn't usually force me to get on Skype. And I was instantly worried something was wrong. Who had died? Who was in the hospital? All those terrible thoughts in my mind. I opened up my laptop and called her. The screen only filled with her, but someone else's shoulder was in the frame. After a few quick hellos, she turned the camera to my twin and her boyfriend. I was told, "We have news." And then she told me.
"You're gonna be an auntie Monica!" I can't recall my exact feeling at that moment. But I can tell you that I was excited. I was going to be an aunt. I was upset slightly. My sister said she'd not be returning to classes after the current semester because of the baby. I was okay with it, but I knew how badly she wanted to go to college. But now the baby was the top priority.
Months go by, a few friendships perish, but my sister is still happy. She's still strong in having a baby and finishing her semester out. What with all the appointments and having to drive back and forth constantly in order to keep her child healthy. During the summer she continued to work at her job, making a bit of money before Kaden came (they decided on the name during the summer). At a small get-together with parents and siblings of both parents, we all learned the sex of their child. I knew I'd be happy with either boy or girl. Then my twin, Eryn, and her boyfriend, Brandon, moved into a new apartment. The baby shower was in the beginning of August, her due date was set for Halloween.
October 29 rolls around and I joke with my sister about giving birth already. She tells me that she has been having some cramps, and timing them. But she doesn't think anything of it at all. She stops texting me, like normal. We've never held on really long conversations over text. My mother tells me later on that same night that she is going over because her cramps are slowly getting stronger and closer together. I got excited, that meant he was coming soon, right?
The next day hits, and there is really no word. I text my mother and she says that they get closer and stronger, but not close enough to go to the hospital. The day goes by, I watch movies with my roommate and we do some homework. Next thing I know my sister and my mother are out and about, trying to get her moving. Around 8pm my mother informs me that they are going to the hospital. I made a quick little video on my phone telling her I love her and that she can do it. Two of my roommates, Paige and Becca, and my friend, Jordan, were in the video too because we were all watching a movie together.
I got to bed after talking with my father later on. I woke up around 3:30 the next morning when my sister sends a group text to my mother, father, and me. She was getting an epidural and then trying to get some more sleep. It wasn't until I woke up later that it really hit nephew was going to be born. I was on my phone all morning, texting my mother and father trying to get information. All I knew by 10 am, was that she was pushing. I wasn't able to talk more after that because I was going to my classes. As I left my Creative Writing class, I walked into the Silver Center, going to Chorale. I was halfway down the stairs when I got a text. It was from my mother. A photo was attached. I continued to walk down as I opened it up, thinking nothing of it really.
Then I stopped where I was. I was halfway down these stairs, and I was staring at a photo of my nephew. The caption 'Meet your nephew' underneath. My heart started to swell like the Grinch's once he learns to love Christmas and my eyes began to water. I was officially an aunt. I had a nephew who was living and breathing in the world. Instantly I saved the photo to my phone and stared at it as long as I could. I moved slowly down the stairs and made it to the classroom, showing all my friends who were also waiting to see the photo of him. The rest of the day all I could do was think of him and how cute he was.
I was told that I wasn't able to see him until the Saturday afterward. I frantically asked my friends and family for a ride down to go and see him, I also had to find a coworker to cover my shift at my university job. I was able to get my mother to pick me up and bring me down. When Friday came, I was going to leave right after my Creative Writing class and go home with my mother. I was planning on spending the night with her at work because it would be easier for her to go straight there after picking me up.
As I walked to my apartment, I looked to the parking lot. I saw my mom's car, but there was nothing in the backseat. I don't know why I had looked. She wasn't going to bring my sister and Kaden with her. He was born a few days ago. I made it to my door, where my mother was waiting outside for me. I turned my key in the door and opened it. I turned around to my mother as I stepped in, seeing her standing there just holding her phone up. I remembered thinking
'It's not that special. You've been here before. Me opening my door is not that great' then after a few more seconds
I immediately ran into the living room and dropped my bag and keys on the chair. Then turned the corner to find my sister standing there, holding my nephew in her arms. I had learned after my mother stopped recording that they conspired with my roommates to keep the door unlocked for them to get in before I would get home from class. I was so happy. I got to hold him and just smiled for days. I can't wait for this child to grow up and realize how much he's loved. I will be there for him whenever he needs me.
To see photos of Kaden that I have to go my
Twitter, I will also see if my mother will let me post the video to my
Youtube as well.
À bientôt!