Thursday, October 11, 2018

90's Kid Book Tag

So I saw this tag on Nose Stuck In A Book, and I wanted to try it, just like all the other tags she does.

While I may have only been born in 97, I still enjoyed many of the fads of the 90s while growing up because the early 2000s were a lawless land. Don't believe me? Go google the top fashion.


*copied from 'The Literary Phoenix'
  1. Please, please, please steal this tag and spread it around! I only ask that you link it back to The Literary Phoenix so that I can see everyone's answers!
  2. Freeze tag was all the rage in the 90s. Tag someone (or many) you think would have fun with this!
  3. Have fun!
*anything in asterisks are my personal feelings/memories with each 90s fad because I have many a story*


A GBA game and trading card game where you balled pocket monsters and strived to catch them all. Back in the day, there were only 150 Pokemon. *my mom didn't let me watch Pokemon so I didn't get to play until Pokemon Go came out, my favorite is Vulpix*

The author you need every book from: Julie Kagawa. I love all of her stories. It started with the Iron Fey series, and now I have at least one book from each of her series. Here's to getting them all!


AOL Instant Messaging - how 90s kids communicated with their friends after school before everyone had a cell phone. *I actually never used AIM because I didn't have friends during this fad*

Book that connected you with your best friend: I read a lot of books that my friends also read. However, Twilight is a reason why my roommate Emily and I got along so well. We both read the books during important/difficult times in our lives and when we met, we both mentioned that we liked it, and there began our Twilight Trash adventures and movie binges. (also Seth but I met him through Emily because of Twilight and just her in general lol)


Creepy needy robots you could teach to talk and were probably demon possessed. Somehow these made a comeback? *Furbys scare me and I'm glad my mother never got me one*

Book that seemed like a good idea but was actually a monster: MOBY DICK. The premise is good, but I hate the book and let the furbies eat it.


90s quintessential boy band. You may have heard of Justin Timberlake? *I know few songs from this band but I know most of the memes....ITS GONNA BE MAY*

Book that you hated to say Bye, Bye, Bye to: The Host by Stephenie Meyer. I loved it so much and I thought the story was so interesting, also I wanted to follow Wanda more and see more of her working the world around her in a new body.


Getting green slime thrown on you, courtesy of the show Figure it Out. Also apparently still a thing at the Kid's Choice Awards? *this is still on my bucket list*

A book that everyone loved but you hated: I mean, most books that I liked, everyone that I know also liked it. I don't know many people that liked the few books that I hated. Most people know the books that I dislike.

I will put a side-ish note here that there are books that I will not read due to stuff other reviewers say about it/or the author. One of them is The Black Witch. From honest reviews I have found about this book it's just not good, and problematic, and the fans of the book and author attack the reviewers who didn't give it a 4-5 star review so I don't want to be a part of any group like that. I see the book all over the internet so I guess that this one can fit this category.

Oregon Trail

90s computer game you could usually play at school, which was great. It taught us people used to die a lot of gruesome, messy deaths. *I only heard about this game like last year at some point because they made it a mobile game*

A book that made you wish you died of dysentery: For Whom The Bell Tolls get's this spot, hands down. I had to read this book for an English class in high school, and I liked the first two summer reads my professor assigned so I went into For Whom The Bell Tolls with hope, but THAT DIDN'T WORK OUT. The book was so boring to me and the way Hemingway wrote made me wish I was suffering any other way than by him.
*I looked up what dysentery was and I'm shook*


Back before everyone had music on their phones (remember, we didn't have cell phones!) folks would rip their CDs and make mixes for each other. *my mom made my sister and I mixtapes to play on our little personal CD players. It was great. I honestly remember the rise of all the music sharing and streaming and it seems so far away*

3 books you recommend to anyone, anywhere, no matter what:

  1. The Iron King from the Iron Fey Series by Julie Kagawa (I could literally talk about this and it's spin-off series for the rest of my life).
  2. The City of Bones by Cassandra Clare (as well as the rest of the Shadowhunter Chronicles because the characters are good and so is the story).
  3. Life and Death by Stephenie Meyer. (I'd say Twilight but while I love the series I love Edythe just a bit more)
  4. *I just wanted to extra one* The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. (I love these books too and I'm sort of sad their hype has died down but at the same time I understand why)

Dial-Up Internet

You know how it's annoying when you aren't on LTE? IMAGINE WAITING 10 MINUTES FOR INTERNET TO START AND ANOTHER 20 MINUTES FOR GOOGLE TO LOAD! *I can honestly say I don't remember having dial-up...maybe I just wasn't allowed online during the time my mom had it. I always remember not waiting too long for things. Then again I was young and maybe I just don't remember the passage of time that well*

A book that took FOR FREAKING EVER to read: Lord of the Rings. I've only made it past Fellowship of the Ring as of this being posted so you know it's going to be a long time before I ever come out with a review or just any type of post about them. But I still love Middle Earth.

Kenan Thompson

He's that guy who's been on SNL forever. Also Mighty Ducks. Good Burger. Keenan and Kel. All That. Everything. *I watched like none of these...I know I've seen GB but I blocked that the hell out of my brain*

The book you see referenced everywhere and is in everything, but that's okay because it's awesome: The Shadowhunter Chronicle books go here again! Almost every blog and bookstagram that I follow have mentioned them and that's okay because I love them too.

Thumbs Up, Seven Up

A game where most the class closed their eyes and seven people tapped someone's thumb and you had to guess who did it without peeking. *I still love this game and will also say yes to playing it again*

Book where you peeked just REAL quick at the ending because you don't like guessing games: I don't do this because it gives me anxiety. I watched a friend read the ENTIRE last page of a book before starting it and my heart actually stopped in my chest.


These were basically just Teddy Grahams dipped in frosting, which is still a wonderful snack idea. *while I did like these, I really only remember eating the Shrek edition of them...and now I want them again*

You ideal bookish snack: Honestly anything. I could be eating my dinner while reading. As long as I don't get too much on the pages I call it a good day. But I do like having tea, cider, or hot chocolate when I read.

Scary Stories to Tell In The Dark

Collections of short stories that would scare any sensible kid! Plus, there were illustrations... *yea screw these I like watching Buzzfeed Unsolved but not these lmao, just the photos give nightmares*

A book that kept you up all night: I've never read something so scary to keep me up all night if that's how we want to go. But I have stayed up late reading The Iron Knight (Iron Fey #4) and The Lost (Witch and Wizard #5) before.

Bill Nye the Science Guy

Basically the coolest thing you got to do in science class was watch Bill Nye. He has a Netflix show again! *I never watched him in class until like a clip or two in college...which is weird but yea*

A book that taught you something new: I read a book for one of my history classes about the French Revolution (which is one of my favorite time periods) and it talked about EVERYTHING that lead to the revolution. Before I had only known about how it affected the royal family because I was a big fan of Marie Antoinette.

Now, while I don't know a lot of other book blogs (I need to start looking up others and make more friends in the bookish community) I can't tag anyone outright, but if you want to do this, do it! Let me know as well because I wanna see all your answers!

À bientôt!

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